Thursday, May 3, 2012

Friends! Country men!

I have not forgotten of this blog. I have lots that I can talk about. I just haven't had the time to sit and write. Hopefully by this weekend, I'll have a computer at home (for the first time in almost a YEAR!!) and then I can write more. The blogging-by-hand-and-typing-at-work thing only really works if you aren't completely swamped from the moment you walk into the office until the moment you walk out.

Some of the things I'd still like to babble about:
- Game of Thrones
- Portal 2 (maybe?)
- Personality types (also a maybe)
- Avatar!! (the airbendy one)
- Avengers (once I've seen it)
- Hunger Games (both book and movie)
- Something about robots... (BSG, Terminator, Portal, EDI, Blade Runner, etc. though also a maybe)
- Kepler 22b - though more a story writing hmmmmm thing.
- Some other story writing stuffs

So it's not that I lack ideas; only time.

Let's see if I'll have something to babble about by Monday!


  1. So it's not that I lack ideas; only time.

    Yeah, that sounds about right. That is also my story, and I am sticking to it.

  2. As much as I love reading your posts, I gotta say, it's kind of beneficial to me when you don't post, because then it means less to catch up on :P


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