So one of the things I get excited about (#2) is story twists - especially in games. The parts where you see everything come together and just completely shift the course of the story. Sometimes these things work and sometimes they don't, but just the fact that they're in the game already makes me giddy. See, I got into gaming for the same reason I got into books: I want to go on a journey. I want to leave my room and go somewhere else and everything that pulls me towards that is awesome; everything that pushes me back into feeling the seat I'm sitting on isn't. The fact that the stories are getting more involved and more prominent in games is awesome. Now of course, everyone's idea of being taken away is different. But we won't go there. Instead, I'm going to list a couple of twists that make me react the moment they come into remembrance.
Three things to note:
- Spoilers will be present if you haven't played the game. If you're planning to, take a skip. In a lot of them I still try to stay really vague. So those who haven't played the games and still read the parts might not actually get everything either and end up going WTF?
- I don't own a Playstation. So I can't comment on PS games. I haven't played Uncharted (which I hear is awesome and the reason Tomb Raider has been MIA for the past couple of years) and I haven't played Hard Rain (which I hear has an awesome twist in it). So don't whine about me not mentioning a zillion games that Sony was too hard assed to share, okay? Okay! If Sony comes up with a decent controller that doesn't end up hurting my hands, I'll consider buying it. Until then... toughies. They're not getting my money. I'm sure I can hear them sobbing in a corner somewhere.
- Both good twists and bad twists in here. Those that are the most memorable to me.
Knights of the Old Republic (2003) - The revealing of Darth Revan
KoTOR remains one of my favourite games of all time. The way they hinted yet still managed to leave the punch of who Revan was up until the 'right' time is just sheer brilliance. And when the player finally gets told and the sequence gets played showing you all the little seeds dropped along the way... Wow.
Mass Effect 2 (2010) - The Beginning
So there BroShep (as the male version of Shepard is called) stands looking pretty on the front cover of the game you have just purchased. You eagerly launch the game, smile as you see the Normandy again (say, did Joker get fat? Presley never looked better!) and then the Collectors attack and your heroes are horribly outgunned. But wait! Mass Effect 2 can't be ten minutes long! There must be an out somewhere right? Shepard's going to pull something out of his pocket and save the day, right? Right?! And then they give you this:
Mass Effect 2 = awesome. Just so you know.
Call of Duty 4 (2007) - The nuke
I'm not really an FPS type of gal... especially if my foes are monsters or animals. But oddly, give me something like SWAT or a war game or something like that and I'm all too happy playing the whole day. I don't think it's a wonderful reflection on myself that I don't mind shooting human-looking (and sane! Sane is important!) characters and yet a killing spiders and monsters freak me out... but there you go.
CoD games aren't really known for their story. They tend to be simple "That dude's bad. He's planning bad stuff. We have a million things to do to stop baddie. Here's a gun. Go!"
"Sir! Yes, sir!"
But they are trying to put more into it and they did some interesting things in CoD 4: Modern Warfare. The most shocking one of them all though is having one of your soldiers (yes, you play a few) go through this:
I remember sitting there, my heart in my throat, my eyes wide as my character got out of the helicopter. I remember thinking: There must be somewhere I should go. Come on, just keep moving. I watched my character stumble, but he was still trying, still fighting on and then...
Still one of the moments where the world stops once it comes to mind.
Mass Effect 3 (2012) - Running to the beam
I'm still planning on commenting on the whole game at some point. This is one of the final moments in the game where the stakes are still incredibly high. Whenever you hear of "the last ten minutes" that were so horrible, this is the last bit before that ;)
So what happens? It's the last big push, the last big race. You're goal is to get to the beam, then all will be saved. So many people dead by this point, so much tension, so many crazy reaper-modded creatures fought off and then, stomach as hard as a rock, you run and try to avoid the evil red lights...
The XBox version has no second pause before you meet a red light. It's just bam. I remember doing something like a choked cry when my controller suddenly came to life in my hand. And then you get up and you're as determined as Shepard to get to the beam...
... it's just a pity that, in hindsight, both you and Shepard should've avoided that bloody white beam completely.
Far Cry 2 (2008) - The Ending
So Far Cry 2 isn't getting a vid. That would be because there are too many bits that make up the end to just chuck in together. Plus, I couldn't find a decent one. Teehee.
I was a little awestruck by Far Cry 2. In it they managed to create an awesome African landscape, grass that shifts and moves with a life of its own, animals that run around dumbly... okay no, I didn't like the animal so much for the fact that they were dump, but they were pretty. I LOVED that some of the mercenaries were shouting at me in my language. I giggled every time I heard them. And it wasn't just that they were shouting at me in my language, they also were native speakers. Seriously, that was awesome and I loved it.
The story is surprising and a bit baffling though.
After all your fighting through everything, you basically end up with diamonds that the people you fought with want... and so you have to kill all of them (WHAAAAAT?) and then the dude you were sent to kill tells you how the two of you are wretchedly broken and need to die. You're given two options. Either be blown up by dynamite or cross a border with a brief case full of diamonds and shoot yourself.
.......... o-kay....?
It was weird, but it definitely was a twist. It was the creepiest thing ever watching from first person how 'my' hand bringing a gun to 'my' temple... *shudders*
Portal 2 (2011) - GLaDOS, Wheatley and Caroline
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Wheatley, I wuv you!!! |
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Why did you betray me, you little bastard! |
And then there's GLaDOS. Evil, crazy, demented GLaDOS whom Chell had ripped into iddy biddy pieces and thrown into a furnace in the previous game. She isn't quite as happy about being treated so unkindly for some reason... And of course, she's looking for the perfect way to kill you because of that little stunt you pulled way back when.
That is until Wheatley gets pissed off and puts her in a potato battery. *laughs*
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Heart Cube!! *huggles* |
I'm still not convinced GLaDOS managed to get rid of Caroline. Are you?
Force Unleashed 2 - The Clones
What on earth were they thinking?

Imagine all the little crazy Yodas that could be jumping around and speaking in awful English.
Absolutely preposterous.
They have to pull something amazing out of their hats. This must be a feint. Just you wait! Just you...
Damn, really?
The whole clone thing caught me off guard. Therefore, while not completely fitting in with the idea of a twist. It was pretty much one for me compared to most of the SW canon I was aware of at the time.... and what I'm still aware of, to be honest.
Prince of Persia 4 (2008) - Elika

It had its faults, but it had one helluva story. I'm sad to see them not continuing and making a sequel that would have addressed all the issues that the first had. Oh well...

A second play through of this game was needed as I sat and listened through all the hints Elika gave. Despite all that was against PoP4, damn, it was actually a brilliant story twist.
Bioshock (2007) - The big reveal
'Would you kindly?' has never been the same since I've played Bioshock. It took me several years to get to the point of playing it and even while playing I was totally tempted to switch it off (creeeeepppyyyy!!). But the world drew me in. I was scared through most of it. Scared of the water rushing into Rapture, scared of the crazy people (seriously, the amount of times all kinds of frightened girly sounds came rushing out of my mouth while my character ran away from cackling crazy people is incalculable), just scared of everything.
And yet, I HAD to keep going. I HAD to find out what was going on. Why was my character there? What's up with these people? What's at the heart of it all?
This is the best twist in video gaming I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. And the creepiest, unpleasant thing I've had to witness in a game.
1 comment:
I'm sorry but I have to skip this post since I've never played any of these games and don't want to risk any spoilers :P
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