Tuesday, March 28, 2023

D&D Babble: Sometimes wonderful, unexpected things happen.

As anyone who plays D&D - or any TTRPG for that matter - could tell you, the game is unpredictable and surprising. Most often in delightful ways. But my babble today and the title thereof comes from outside of the table.

For the past near-on-a-year, I've been playing D&D with a group of people on alternating Saturdays who're living predominantly on the North American coast. I got pulled into the discord server and the first thing I saw was the sheer amount of people connected to this dungeon master and went *gulp*. The gentleman in question has multiple games running throughout the week, all set within his world, all containing different people playing characters in this world which becomes influenced by their actions. It's a beautiful thing to see. 

And what is happening is also kinda rare in that his homebrew story is coming to a spectacular conclusion. The goodies are fighting the baddies and the odds are stacked against success, but they still fight and may just succeed and each player involved in the story is deeply invested.

From a DM-ing perspective, it's inspiring because it takes one helluva story and one amazing DM to garner such devotion. These are people who have busy lives and yet they make the time because they're captured by the unfolding story.

My Saturday games are detached from the events, but I'd have to be blind not to see the excitement of the other groups on a near-daily basis as things slowly come to a head.

And then the unexpected happened:

"Hey! Got a sec?" the DM asks me after our game. "I was wondering if you would be my second DM for the epic?"





My brain stops functioning for a time as I try to absorb the enormity of the suggestion. At first I wonder whether he got the right person. Maybe he was meaning to talk to someone else. I mean his channel has over 60 people and mistakes happen.

Then I finally understood what Troy Baker felt when he got to the audition for the Joker in the Batman: Arkham Origins and, not knowing what he was there to audition for, spotted the dialogue that was undoubtedly from the Joker himself and went, "Oh God."

I composed myself, admirably, and accepted the honour with as much gravitas as I could muster.

Since then, I've been battling with brain goblins on a daily basis - much like I did when I took the Glentana gig. The emotional pendulum is swinging from glee to horror at a somewhat rapid pace. In many ways this is a bigger step for me than DM-ing in Glentana, because Harlen's shoes are fucking massive. And I will not be leading newbies. These are veteran players at a level of gaming and roleplaying that I have not necessarily encountered before. I'm used to sitting at the feet of experienced players. Sitting at the head of the table is going to be a challenge.

But it is a challenge I'm willing to take on and am taking on. I've already started prepping by printing out materials and making notes. Harlen has been awesome in supplying all the details, setting up everything, and making me feel as comfortable as possible.

My goal is a simple task, but I feel an enormously crucial one: As we come to the end of the story, make the conclusion worth the journey.

*cough* In other words, don't be a Mass Effect 3 *cough*

And I think I can do that. 

I'm going to absorb as much as I can. I'm going to forget myself, step out of my goblin-infested mind, and just present the best story I can for people who deserve their long and arduous journey to have a fulfilling end.

1 comment:

  1. From DM to DM, you're a badass my friend. Player to player you're a godsend. Friend to friend you're pretty damn cool too :-)


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