Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Life FYI, Gaming babble, Random babble

It's been over a month since I've last posted anything. Let's see what's happened. 


Life did.

So since this isn't really a life blog, I won't go to deeply into it. It involves lawyers and affidavits; plumbing and electrical issues; car issues; and the ever increasing worry of not stretching my finances too far.

But that last one is a worry I know I share with millions of other people. So meh.

In response to life being a bastard, I've done my level best to dodge it by escaping into games and D&D. That's been going well. I spent nearly 80 hours on Icarus till I grew slightly weary of it, played some Valheim and Satisfactory as well. And of course Grounded - new patch! Yay! Baldur's Gate III is a game I've seen about 30 minutes of and it looked promising - I'm hoping to play more of it soon.

With D&D, I've been running two games of Dragon Heist, both going well. I'm running Wild Beyond the Witchlight with the Brits and... well they seem to be enjoying it. I'm still struggling with it. It's so whimsy yet so dark at the same time. I'll probably babble about it at some point solo. Give some kind of review for it.

And then there's the homebrew, every second Friday with the South Africans. That has been going really, really well. Better than I could have hoped for. We've finished a big section I never intended to become a big section (haha) and it was strong story wise and I managed to get one of my two challenging players on board with plans on roping the second one in better soon. I should probably babble about this one solo too.

So I guess I could say I'm okay. Not fantastic, not wonderful, not optimistic, energised, nor determined. But okay. I haven't been gnawing at my wrists yet, but the only time my hands don't shake from anxiety is when I'm sleeping (I think. This hasn't been observed :P).

And I think, given life at present, I can't ask for more than that. Well, I could, but *shrugs*.

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