Monday, March 28, 2022

DM babble - The lead up to an interesting weekend.

 So if you follow my Twitter account, this information will not be new.

On 8 March, I got an interesting whatsapp message. An organiser to Game Over Gaming's April Convention was in need of a DM to run a D&D game at their convention. Their go-to DM moved his ass to Cape Town and so they were short... and probably desperate. Why? Because they contacted ME and asked ME to run a game. 

I was astounded, confused, flattered, and immediately anxiety ridden. I had a chat with Tabi and she asked me what was my hesitation and I said, truthfully fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of messing up. Just fear. 

Having that pointed out meant that my pride immediately demanded that I accept the challenge. 

So on 1 April, I'll be taking the (approximately) four-hour trip from Port Elizabeth (Gqeberha) to Glentana to meet up with the peeps at Game Over Gaming convention and run a D&D game on the Saturday, 2 April at 14:00 GMT+2. For this session, I expect six players ranging from absolute brand new to seasoned and have been given a maximum 5 hours to complete the one-shot I have prepared for them. And, to add to the fun, the session is going to be streamed on Twitch.

No pressure, right?

With but a few days to go, I can say I'm basically completely prepped, printed, and assembled. I'm also still terrified, but as someone who deals with permanent anxiety, I suppose one could say this is my default state. 

I figure I should break up my fears into conquerable challenges.

  1. The trip to Glentana by myself.
  2. Stranger danger
  3. Spending the night in a place I don't know
  4. Stranger danger 
  5. D&D madness!
  6. Why the hell is that camera doing pointed at me?
  7. Stranger danger :-P
  8. The second night on my own, tired and stressed, but relieved it's over.
  9. Heading home by me onesy.
I know, I know, my brain is making this a much bigger thing than it is. Especially the stranger danger... But I also know that I can manage it. 

...I just need to remember to pack my courage along with my dice...

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