Sunday, November 14, 2021

DM Babble: Feel the burn

Just an update with no real message.

It's nearing December... and I'm pooped. This year has been insane, with lots of people drama (weren't I avoiding them?), work drama (ugh, work), law drama (I'm still waiting for the bill, eek), and just general mayhem.

To date, I've run 54 RPG sessions in 2021 (of which the majority was DnD). A little under half of those were sessions having to with my homebrew. 

Okay, so what's the point? The point is that I might have burnt myself out. The past couple of weeks have been rough creatively as well. Usually I'd be doing nanowrimo (see my previous posts about the joyous insanity) but I just couldn't get myself to do much of anything this year.

So instead of continuing this uphill run while on fire, I'm doing what I can to become unpooped. 

I've stopped running the homebrew with the Brits. I just realised it was a square peg in a round hole scenario (I might post about it later). I've been running Starforged with them, but that's not really working as spectacularly as I would have hoped. I might run something else with them in January. I've begun reading (and yes, prepping) The Wild beyond the Witchlight and it might be a much better fit. 

I'm halting the homebrew with the South Africans in December for the month just to take a break. It's been going really, really well, but I'm running on empty. And I found that it begins bleeding into the game. 

That leaves me with two groups of Dragon Heist. One might not play in December because they have social lives (weirdos), which leaves me with one group. And I love Dragon Heist, I've done it so many times that prep is a breeze, so I think that's going to be okay. 

I wouldn't have thought that 2021 was going to be 'worse' than 2020, but in some ways it has been and I find that I'm basically in disaster recovery mode. I've never had burnout. Been close, but I'm also aware that my depression mimics a lot of the symptoms. Now I know it is burnout. Even writing this post was somewhat exhausting. 

Hopefully I'll be able to report better things in January.

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