Saturday, October 20, 2012

An update before - Nanowrimo

Yes, another month has gone by. I'm an evil blogger.

But I have been busy. Work is kicking my butt and I've been working on my nanowrimo novel's planning (I'm BIG on planning. I blame... er... I don't know who to blame about that). Oh! AND I've been working on my coursera class - which is probably what I will babble about somewhere in November inbetween my NaNoWriMo babblings. And yes, I fully intend to babble about that in November. It's a big part of my life so I can just as well talk about it... a lot. Mwahahaha.

As co-ML, ie municipal liason, ie regional cheerleaders, this time is also rather hectic. One doesn't necessarily want to go big on nano-kits (those are the things MLs sometimes give to their wrimos during the kick-off party) - there is this thing called money after all - but I do like having those kits be valuable. Our party is next week and I have yet to fully pull together everything we had in mind for them. Not knowing how many to expect is also an annoyance. Could be anything from five to ten to fifteen to... well ours is not a region of many social participants, but one can't be negative when it comes to Nanowrimo. Nope, can't have that at all. Every year brings the opportunity of having an even better year than before. And so every year, you go in with that extra boost of excitement.

Or at least that's what happens to me. :)

This year, I'm all about enjoying the ride. Not that I wasn't like that last year, but I landed in an epic challenge with someone who could whoop my butt in a blink and I ended up writing the most insane wordcount ever. This year, I have a really good story that I've planned out and want to make something of - heck I might even post it somewhere... hidden... where no one knows where it is... or could ever link it to me... *impish grin*

So yes, there's an update for you. The next you'll hear from me will either be right after the kick-off party - which is on the 27th - or on the 4th. I'm going to try and do small weekly updates on Sundays. No promises though.

If you haven't signed up to nanowrimo, I'd really encourage you to do so. It is a lot of fun just to do something a little different. It IS a commitment, but sometimes those random ones end up being some of the most memorable.

I hope to hear that you've done just that!

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