Thursday, October 12, 2023

A brief update: I'm doing it again!

I don't have much to report this month. Things have been very much the usual tedium of working till I can escape and escaping until I have to go back to work. That said, I have been up to some shenanigans in that I've started Streaming again.

Every Wednesday at 20:00 GMT+2, I stream on Twitch for about an hour. The streams are very low key and calm. I sit and play Colostle by myself (babbled about the game on my blog here) and throw in ideas from those who watch. It has been fun. I've had about four sessions so far and the story is progressing steadily. Don't get me wrong: The writing is sub-par from my side as I just sit and waffle, but that doesn't really matter. It's still fun and good practice and that is part of why I do it.

I've been given a lot of guidance from my friend Discarded Dork and they've been kind enough to actually assemble these incredible layouts for the stream too.

I'm still learning the ropes - streaming, writing, writing while streaming, using OBS Studio, etc. But it's going well and that's all that matters.

I don't know what I'm going to do for nanowrimo with regards to the stream. Seeing as 1 November falls on a Wednesday, I feel like it is a good opportunity to actually do like a stream for it... 

I don't know. Much to think about.

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