Thursday, January 26, 2012


Don't you just hate when people do that? There's absolutely no value to what they comment whatsoever. What? Do they want to have a pat on the head or something? Okay, if they know you, it might be cute. But otherwise the only prize they get is excessive eye-rolling.

Oh wait... this isn't the whine-line? Whoops! Wrong number.

So what will the point of this journal be? That's usually what the first post should be about, right?

It's going to be about:
  • gushing over ME3 when it finally comes out (pre-ordered the Collectors Edition! Yeah baby!) ;
  • complaining that I don't always get English humour (looking at you Pratchett!);
  • whining about my longing to read Lord or the Rings while wanting to stab my eyes out when I try;
  • sharing TONS of links and vids and posts and geeky stuff (in link form, don't worry) that I stumble over and couldn't help but go "Ooooooooohhhh!!" at.
In essense, pretty much what the title says: talking twak. Which is to say nonsense or rubbish.

So here's a question to you:
What do you like talking twak about?

1 comment:

  1. Love the concept, love the layout, love the reasoning behind it. Can't wait to keep reading.


Share your own twak!