Thursday, March 6, 2025

Lack of Energy - The BBEG

 So February behaved a little better than January did. That has been a mercy as the pendulum finally seems to be changing direction and heading the other, hopefully better, way. But with the passage of time, it has become very apparent that a 'new' challenger has reared its head.

Lack of Energy: the BBEG.

I have so much I want to do. I have D&D games I'm running, solo-games I want to do, I'm working on rewriting an old fanfic (more on that in a possible later babble), I have game manuals and stories to read. But I only have so much energy left in the tank, and refilling that energy doesn't seem to be happening at a sufficient enough pace.

Which is why I stopped streaming. It's not that I don't like it, I do. I enjoy it quite a bit. It's just that it expends a lot of energy. Energy that I don't currently have on hand.

I don't think it's burnout. At least, not yet. But I do realise that I have to be cautious that it doesn't turn into that.

So what am I going to do about it? Well, I'm taking a week off of work in two weeks and I'm actually leaving the house two of those nights to stay in a little rondavel by the ocean. So some peace and quiet might help quite a bit.

Is two nights quiet enough? Probably not, but I'm also trying not to put as much pressure on myself to perform. After January's events, it's clear I took a knock and I'm slowly trying to rebalance.

It's slow going but this BBEG is not one I'm going to allow to win.