Saturday, February 6, 2021

Podcasting babble: Guesting for Dragons & Flagons

So I did it. 

I shifted my mic boom arm closer, kept a close eye on my notes, and participated in a podcast. The subject matter was something everyone who has had experience with playing roleplaying games could add their input on:

'What makes for a bad player?'

The previous podcasts the team of Dragons & Flagons did had to do with what makes for good players and good DMs. This conversation was the inverse of that and had us listing some pet peeves that you can get from players. It was an interesting conversation. 

At some point, I had forgotten that I was supposed to be adding to the discussion and listened mostly because I was reminded how, several years ago before I stumbled over D&D, I barely found people whom I resonated with. And while the countries, cultures and even language are different, I still felt that sense of resonance during the conversation. Which was kinda cool. Not necessarily a thought to occupy one's time while recording but still cool.

I've been invited to record the next podcast with them as well. This will be about what makes for a bad DM. My notes are ready and I'm eager to be a part of the discussion.

Hopefully this time I won't get too distracted!

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